Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ballpark Personalities: A Baltimore Orioles Ball Girl

If you grew up in Baltimore there's a good chance you know someone with a story about how they almost-should've been-were this close to being a ball girl or ball boy for the Orioles.

Craig Clary of The Catonsville Times offers the story of a local resident whose only near miss was on a fly ball headed down the right-field line. Towson University student Lacey Jennings is currently a ball girl at Camden Yards.

[Excerpt after the jump.]

Jennings, 20, didn't allow any family members or friends to attend the tryouts that included fielding, interviewing and cheering -- she gave her best "Charge!" yell -- skills.

"I was nervous because I hadn't played softball, baseball or anything since the eighth grade," said Jennings, who received news she made the cut the next day. "When they hit you those ground balls in tryouts, it's nothing like (Orioles' center fielder) Adam Jones hitting you a ground ball."

Jennings made her debut when the Orioles hosted defending American League champion Tampa Bay April 10. The Orioles won, 5-4.

Although it was the only game she didn't field a grounder so far this season, she did have an eventful moment while perched on her stool down the right-field line when a pop fly was coming straight toward her.

"I just ran," Jennings said. "The player caught the ball and barely missed tripping over my stool. If he would have fallen, I would have been humiliated."

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