Monday, August 17, 2009

American Pie (and no, that's not a Felix Pie pastry reference)

Surely the Orioles must lead the league in PCPGIWCISC this season.

PCPGIWCISC = Players Conducting Post-Game Interviews While Covered in Shaving Cream.

Chris Tillman joined the club after earning his first big league win on Friday against the Angels.

Lead instigator Adam Jones caught Tillman even though the rookie ducked out into the hallway for his MASN interview. It came on a night when, as The Sun reports, the O's set a season-high in shaving cream pies with three.

[More after the jump]

Felix Pie - who became the fourth player in Orioles history to hit for the cycle - took two pies, the second from Robert Andino after the first effort missed.

Unlike the Birds' steady rookie hurlers, Pie was unable to continue his interview.

You have to be impressed with the composure of our rookie pitchers in these situations. But who conducted the better interview while covered in shaving cream: Tillman or Brian Matusz?

See the videos here and here.

(Note: The headline for this post does not violate Roar from 34's season-long moratorium on Felix Pie pastry references.)

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